Friday, August 23, 2019

Fraud of Science on Climate Change

Jean-Claude Juncker
The President of the European Commission
Rue de la Loi 170
B-1049 Bruxelles

Dear Mr. Juncker,

HONESTY is deeply absent around the world on human affairs:


Trees can be planted as any area can be reforested, but ground rock from mining will always be an artificial granular porosity easy to flow downhill affected by water dynamics.

In ten millennia, the Amazon basin can be deforested and reforested ten times by doing it each millennium. Nevertheless, in this same period, the ground rock from mining will be neither soil nor a stable porosity in the landscape threatening Brazilians striving in rock-mined watersheds. Nearly all rocks containing valuable minerals would be exploited by grinding, warning that all mining reject of ground rock must be disposed safely and responsibly!

There is an aggravation as mining rock concentrates in the highlands just in the headwaters of the basin.

Perhaps, even in 100 thousand years the ground rock from mining reject may not be soil yet as soil genesis require a specific hydrological functioning over the underground weathering bedrocks of soil formation.

Terrifying moment of Brazil dam collapse 
Drone Footage showing the damage        

EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS: The dam collapsing in Brumadinho took place over a dry landscape, displaying a highly damaging low viscosity huge mass in motion. On the occasion, it was not raining implying that water input to reach the collapsing threshold was coming downhill underground in the basin. The concave format of the dam offered low mechanical resistance to the moving mass as particles moved further unlocking the barrier molecules suddenly in a wide explosion. The dam was visually dry, inactive in the last four years; it had no impounding water, no leaking signs and had about 40 employees on duty over it. The dam was not in the danger list and had a safety certificate from the ‘experts’. The event happened by the end of January in the middle of the rainy season. The scraping power of this moving mass of mining reject was so intense leaving no stubs in the riverbed as showed in the video footage. It destroyed the pillars of the railroad bridge, electricity poles, also lifted heavy machinery and cars by a power never registered on such mass flow. Many buildings were destroyed and some of them were erased from their foundation. A victim nearly immersed had difficulty to breath because of the compressed chest. A submerged corpse found four months later was preserved because of a hypoxia associated to poor drainage and lack of oxygen. Probably the moving mass had the volume around half water and half of solid particles, wet enough to loose and flow downward. Clay soil can retain water near to 50% of its volume as Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow, but there is a need to address the issue for further comprehension of such physical properties of mine residues approaching those conditions for dam collapsing.

The collapse of Brumadinho dam took around 30 years to take place in a rainy environment. If this granular material reject from ground rock has the property of continuously accumulating water, it means that a similar event can happen on drier environments on a longer time span. This situation can be addressed with a thorough analysis of a water balance gauging water input and output and the physics and chemistry dynamics.



How much CO2 was available in the air when LIFE STARTED by storing sun energy as organic matter?

The environmental conditions has been favorable to life beings since the beginning of times!


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‘The Climate has always been changing by warming up and cooling down
as showed by glaciation eras and fossil fuel beneath desert regions.’

It seems that few scientists understand the difference between regression and correlationCause-effect does not come from covariance, because two events are just taking place simultaneously as they are independent. Also, before applying any scientific method, Metaphysics and Epistemology of Science needs to be checked for reasoning. There is no point proving that man is more intelligent than woman is, or if my right side is better than my left side, as both together accomplish critical tasks. Nature is not always fan of quantification systems, as it is irrelevant to seek intellectual differences between Homo sapiens gender! Well, man and woman together breed the next generation of humans. For sure, any homosexual approach has been discarded as a clear distortion since the beginning.

Just imagine! How was the climate in the Middle East when an exuberant forest was thriving enough to accumulate all that organic matter as fossil fuel underneath the desert so rich in petroleum?

If we could burn all organic matter in the planet, we would go back to the basic conditions that life started in the past. Nevertheless, it is impossible because our bodies and all living plants would be included! In addition, there is a lot organic material hidden to unknown places.

Instead of harassing countries on CO2 burning, we should concentrated our due efforts toward reasoning and pursuing a balance of nature functioning. We must start curbing obesity, preaching on healthy lifestyles with body fitness to protect human physiology, and healthy diets to reduce de pressure on food production by encouraging consumption on higher levels of vegetable proteins and general food straight from the primary production.

My Science is endorsed by Nature:

This science was created based on complex conceptions developed by man that started being explored in the basic principles around 70,000 years ago. It took place when early humans invented rudimentary oil lamps on shell and hollow rocks burning animal fat soaking mosses as wicks. Nowadays, synthetic fiber technology allows us to model the geometry of porosity and develop new conceptions of hydrodynamics by Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow between Hydraulic Zones easily demonstrated in few minutes by just hanging a drying paper in the wall.

There are many benefits transforming recyclable material to self-watering flowerpots changing the hydrology of potted plants for the first time since Babylonians took plants from the ground and raised them in containers:

584 HD Tubarc - Vaso Autoirrigavel EPTV                                                       
583 HD Tubarc - Hummingbird nesting between clothespin in a clothesline    

The video by EPTV showed that a hummingbird nested over my head just where I created a new science. She whispered to my soul that a daughter of mine was striving in the landscape far away from my senses and my conscience. I consider this my reward for befriending with Mother Nature. I went to the US in 1992 for graduating program having a daughter and two babies were born during my PhD. In 2016, I found out a kidnapped daughter 31 years after she was born. Life is indeed blessing as I do have plenty of reasons for happiness and rejoice.

We must be honest with humans. Science deals with the functioning of nature with very limiting boundaries over time and distance. We never know how life was created, simply because it was not recorded and cannot be replicated. We do not know how old and how big the universe is. It seems that religions were created to support wars and killing in name of God, but because of atomic weapons religions changed to businesses as well as the weaponry industries. I do like a simple conception that God = Nature. Well, Nature writes no books, promise no lands, offer no life after death, and asks no wars or killing in its name. Nature demands survival, balance, and respect to all forms of life. The economic system allows exchanging of values, but the sun shines free of charge to all of us. I see no difference perishing in the end of my life cycle poor and unknown or wealthy and famous. The goal of life is living it to the end leaving offspring if blessed by the procreation gift. Nature took some millions of years to develop our genitals and sharpen our procreation tools, which requires male seeds sown to fertile land of females. Anything different from that is just a distraction and misunderstanding of nature functioning.

If we want to face intellectual challenges. We need to start teaching humans how to avoid excessive food when it is so plenty, hunting humans for profit. How to work out our body when machinery can do almost everything.

We think that we are smart and wise. When we have a peek at the Egyptian Pyramids, we try to guess if slavery was the source of human work for such entrepreneur. Also, we are ashamed that we slavered Africans for our work in the past.

It seems that humans are getting worse nowadays. WE ARE PAYNG TO WORK ON FITNESS GYMS. Slaves did not get reward for their work, and now MODERN MAN PAY TO WORK THEIR MUSCLES in order to preserve the physiology!

I believe that any form of government like capitalism, communism, anarchism, monarchist, etc, having low level of corruption and a fair distribution of revenue should work. Nature is not that democratic as the honeybee queen is not elected by vote and human females had no option between pregnancy and hunting to make families. There is no king or kingdom in nature as a complex interaction among species for survival. The lion king has a family ran by females as the male is naturally replaced in less than 5 years to avoid inbreeding with daughters. Lions are just carnivores highly dependent on the survival of herbivores, which are fed by grass that must be abundant by nature. There is a high level of hypocrisy on human culture. Nature is so perfect that it comes with plenty of room for many imperfections, as humans pretending to be on the top.

Freedom of expression is a business running by profit. Bad and catastrophic news sell much more than good news. The press learned that manipulating and hiding information can be very lucrative as well. Subjects can pay to publish or to hide some sort of information according to their agenda. Van Gogh had a miserable life and sold just one of his paintings. The Red Vineyard, which went for 400 francs in Belgium seven months before his death. The value of any Van Gogh work hides an art business of profiting, by just purchasing and selling higher. There is nothing noble behind the money from Alfred Nobel, the father of Dynamite as developing war resources is very lucrative and easy to profit and pack wealth. It seems that Mr. Nobel committed two big mistakes in his life: FIRST, was developing the chemistry of explosive making more efficient wars. SECOND, was putting price on science. Not all-genuine knowledge is profitable or necessary for high discussion on mainstream. Most scientists think that a long list of publications and a Nobel Prize is the ultimate goal of science!

China concocted the best government functioning that is going to be the leader of the world in few decades. I call it a CLEANING DICTATORSHIP, by sending 20 to 30 corrupt citizens to death penalty per year. If Chinese government decide that obesity is a problem, easily in few years they can make everybody lean again, by enforcing what should be done. China succeeded on a one-child policy to control population growth. It might be useless to vote on obesity like in the US when two-thirds of the population is overweight, as one-third is obese making hard decisions prone to bias.

Brazil could enjoy a new outcome if the country could send to death penalty yearly just 2 or 3 worst corrupt ones to get rid of bad DNA and setting examples of HONESTY for the remaining.

It seems that China has no intention to give a car for each Chinese, as feeding 1.4 billion people requires a different international relationship highly dependent on a fair trade. They are learning that solving new emerging problems fast is critical to keep growing and leading.

Dr. Abraham Duncan Stroock got his PhD in Chemical Physic at Harvard University and master in Solid State Physics at University Paris. Working at Cornell University, he sent me an email declaring that he had no comprehension on the content of his US patent violating mine. My issued American Patent (US Pat. 6,766,817) brings Hydrogeology and Soil Physics to the fluidic devices in the patenting system.

How is it possible to invent something new, get a government document protecting this intellectual property, but the inventor has no understanding on the document describing it? His Lawyer wrote his patent, and USPTO Examiners approved it. Law School only teaches about Law and nothing about Science and Technology. It seems a trivial distortion, but Lawyers were also behind the economic meltdown that erased around 40 trillion of dollars in 2008 from the world economy. The dynamic of economy is changing over time when the basic principle of offer and demand is spoiled by greed and fears. The stock exchange needs a break to avoid manipulation of human affairs. Profitability should be based on production and not a careless extortion. A simple rule to change stocks to investment as a break can prevent the world economy collapsing again. Exaggerated and manipulated profit can result also in total loss and economic collapse like those mining reject damns in Brazil. Lawyers cannot write patents and spoil science and technology, as they did to the economic system.

The principle is so obvious: ‘Most scientists do not understand the functioning of science’. This can easily be verified by checking the attendance of graduate students on doctorate to disciplines of Philosophy of Science!

How is it possible that a Philosophy Doctor has no background on Philosophy of Science?

Gale, G. 1979. Theory of science: An introduction to the history, logic, and philosophy of science. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

The top American institutions give the title PhD for Philosophy Doctors, but do not teach about Philosophy of Science to them. I got PhD at Penn State University as I learned by myself about Theory of Science, Epistemology (What can I know and how do I know that I know it?) Metaphysics (What really exist in the universe), Logics (What is the best way to set up my thinking in order to make it as clear as possible?) and History of Science. Egyptians started using correlation around 6 thousand of years ago to associate Sirius star position with the flooding of the Nile River event, as the rainy season in the headwaters was not noticeable in the irrigated lowlands, but stars positions was giving a hint about the rainfall seasonality. This is a simple example of covariance, as the Sirius star does not affect the rain in the Nile basin.

Scientific publications are not valued by economic or reading dynamics, but endorsement by nature. Not all that knowledge from nature is that profitable.

The principle is so obvious: ‘solid rocks after grinding lose its mechanical support becoming granular and flows downward in the basin toward the ocean moved by a bounty water recharge’.

The principle is so obvious: ‘Chlorophyll started harvesting electromagnetic radiation energy from the sun light and storing it on carbon molecules of organic matter since the beginning of life as climate has changed continuously, independently of CO2 dynamics.

Trying to connect CO2 levels in the air with Global Warming is a very poor and gross fraud in science.

As a scientist creating a new science associated to the principles of life dealing with the hydrodynamic functioning, I do support a broad agenda on environmental preservation. However, we cannot pretend to understand science that deals with Nature functioning.

The media is so biased that it preaches that a psycho or weirdo is going to make outstanding discoveries to bring better outcome to human affairs. They preach that a human that cannot care for her/himself is going to help others to find wise ways to get through. Sorry, I am very normal and I do understand the need and balance of my own existence: For sure my fair job was taken, my science is being violated, my daughter was kidnapped, just because of HONESTY is absent. Indeed, gravity is always the same for all of us facing challenges we get on crossroads.

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(Well, considering the level of obesity and sedentary life nowadays, I am no that normal anymore. I wish I were doing something so trivial . . .Albert Einstein was smarter by just displaying his tongue when obesity was so scanty!)

If more tragedies take place in the irrational mining operation in Brazil, we should blame the distorted Brazilian Government as well as the biased International Community preying on poor countries neglecting science and reasoning. Brazil can provide plenty of metals and food to the world, but we need to do it on sustainable and rational ways without destroying our country and harming our people.

Brazilians are a very talented culture on human affairs. We did not invent soccer, but WE ARE FIVE TIMES WORLD CHAMPIONS. We thrive in a tropical environment that force as to live outdoor more prone to singing, carnival, samba, and football. (We must be HONEST with Americans, that carrying something that is not even a ball cannot be called football! But, kicking something round is loyal to the Etymology FOOT-BALL!) Cold climates develop different mindsets. I was impressed that Americans males could masturbate selling their DNA seeds. Females would purchase it by internet. I said that we were so behind that in my country we still had to hunt girls and do the dirty job sowing our seeds to fertile lands. To Europeans I was explaining that Brazilians do sex everyday on many ways because of our short memory and low intellectual capacity that requires us to keep our reproduction system very active. However, in Europe advanced cultures can do sex once in a lifetime with a perfect accomplishment on their physiological duties.

We must be HONEST with the human culture. Americans stopped going to the moon because we have so many cheaper rocks on earth and by now, we even do not know how to mine them rationally to extract metals, as showed by the collapsing dams of mining reject in Brazilian landscape . . . We just grind the rocks and throw them away like primates peeling a banana in the jungle!

We must be HONEST with the international community, as we did not even vote for Bolsonaro as President. Our fake and compulsory democracy urged Brazilians to get rid of corrupt people ransacking the country. Brazilians do deserve a better future, but the public service is getting worse and worse, even as our agricultural powerhouse get stronger.

As a scientist, I see that my claimed intelligent species developed protected boundaries, complex languages, war weaponry, a flawed economic system, and a naive reasoning behind curiosity. Time and distance impose hard limitations on human comprehension. We have rights to be curious and duty to accept void TRUE answers!

If we are alone in the universe will never be answered as easily as if we know how to live and care for our own planet learning how to coexist overcoming our differences.

What is the difference between dying in the end of our life cycle wealthy and famous or just poor and unknown?

Should I be concerned with the quality of my coffin and how many people will attend my funeral?

‘Nature has been taking care of us since the beginning, as looking backward can give us many directions to go forward!’

I think that the secret of rescuing Brazil, and many other poor countries exporting immigrants, is the magic of making a FLIMSY HONESTY around the world also percolate to politics and public system reaching places that it is so absent. We did not invent corruption, but indeed, we are exporting it, as Brazilians are so talented on human affairs!

HONESTY is the simple equation I discovered to save the human race.

Now, the challenge is just to make this equation work broadly challenging our claimed human superior intelligence . . .

Kind regards,

Campinas, August 23, 2019

Elson Silva, Ph. D.
Av. Dr. Júlio Soares de Arruda, 838
Parque São Quirino
CEP 13088-300 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
Phone 55 *19 3256-7265

p.s. This letter is posted on my blogs for transparency and public awareness on the open issues.

My figure is in the issue cover. This publication is important, not only by the content also because it was published six months after I was harassed, persecuted and fired from my fair government job, even after I bumped to a scientific breakthrough a year earlier:

Silva, E.D. 1999. Nutrient dynamics between human nutrition and food production systems. Ciência e Cultura 51(2):81-87.

pp. s. I am not that looking forward to have my job back and have my payments updated and reimbursed. But, in Mariana dam collapse, 19 people died, in Brumadinho, 270 people died. How many more will perish because of such absence of knowledge and understanding of fluid dynamics on porosity. In theory, all dams of mining reject will collapse one day, but the question is when it will take place and what are the consequences afterwards . . . huge preventable catastrophe can trigger a widespread revolt with unknown outcome!

The Conspiracy

Abraham Duncan Stroock
Dept: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Title: Associate Professor


Ph.D., Harvard University, Chemical Physic (2002)
M.S., University Paris VI and XI,Solid State Physics (1997)
B.A. Cornell UniversityPhysics (1995)

De: Abraham Duncan Stroock []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014 22:20
Para: Elson Silva, PhD
Assunto: RE: [06856] Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION by corrupt LAY PEOPLE colluding with USPTO - US Pat 8,701,469

Dear Dr. Silva,
‘...  If you have a point to make about my treatment of hydrological concepts, I ask that you take the time to explain your specific points of disagreement.  I note that my work is better represented in my publications (available at​) than in patentsas the lawyers have been translated the latter into legalese that I do not understand.

Best regards,

De: Elson Silva, PhD []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014 23:40
Para: 'Abraham Duncan Stroock'
Assunto: RES: [06856] Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION by corrupt LAY PEOPLE colluding with USPTO - US Pat 8,701,469
Prioridade: Alta


You are so naive.

‘…Are you sure you got your PhD at Harvard? ‘

Lawyers learn nothing about Hydrology in Law School.

As far as I know no Law School provides Hydrology teaching . . . No Lawyer could discuss Hydrology having no expertise in the subject!

This is funny!
You do not give your scientific papers to Lawyers, so why are your patents different?
(By the way, was it a Lawyer who wrote your PhD thesis?)

Also, Lawyers are illiterate on the functioning of science, besides most scientists have no idea about Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science (Philosophy of Science).

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